Whitepaper: SIMbae – an MNO Controlled Method for Adherence to GSMA IoT Device Connection Efficiency Guidelines

This white paper discusses how SIMbae, a patented technology from Able Device, can provide a robust, secure, and convenient method for Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to implement and adhere to the GSMA IoT Device Connection Efficiency Guidelines.

As stated by the GSMA in its recently released non-binding permanent reference document regarding IoT Device Connection Efficiency Guidelines: “The predicted large scale growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and their associated IoT device applications, will create major challenges for MNOs. One major challenge that MNOs must overcome is the risk caused by mass deployment of inefficient, insecure or defective IoT devices on the MNOs networks. When deployed on a mass scale such devices can cause network signaling traffic to increase exponentially which impacts network services for all users of the mobile network. In the worst cases the mass deployment of such IoT devices can disable a mobile network completely.”

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